I have a bad news to everybody. This post was the last bigger one that finalise the Hungarian diecasts series story. This post should be very important to the collectors because lot of times the only the wheel type refer the diecast age or help to identify the correct manufacturer as well. These cars made by a many different firm, but sometimes their wheels was the same style because it bought from the same suppliers. That is one of the main reason why is very difficult to identify these models manufacturers nowadays.
The Hungarian Matchbox has a normal MB style wheels except the MB-53-C CJ6-os Jeep. The Jeep has a four type different wheel because after the official production is ended the remaining part was a good base of some "illegal" firm to make their products that almost look like as the original MB ones. These firms are used at least four different wheel types. The only one official type was a five spoke chromed wheel. In this case a lot of collector doesn't accept the other wheels Jeep as true Matchbox.
10 spoke, chromed "regular" wheels:
- MB23-A Volkswagen Camper Dormobile
- MB25-A Ford Cortina
- MB27-A Mercedes 230SL
- MB39-B Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow
- MB41-A Ford GT 40
- MB51-B Citroen SM

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
8 spoke, chromed, deep treads "Convoy / Off-Road":
- MB20-B Range Rover Police Patrol

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
8 dot, chromed "dish profile":

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
5 spoke, chromed:

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
6 spoke, golded or chromed "star type":

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
4 spoke, chromed "trefoil" shape:

(photo: www.mboxcommunity.com)
The Corgi used for their diecasts a regular five double-spoked wheels but the Hungarian made Corgis has a different type teardrop shapes eight or four division spoked wheels.
8-div "teardrop shapes" chromed:
- 8-D Rover 3500
- J6-2 Rover 3500
- 97-B Petrol Tanker
- J2 Earth Dumper
- 55-B Refuse Truck
- J21 Fiat X1/9
- J9 Volvo Concrete Mixer

(photo: beczl)
4-div "teardrop shapes" chromed:
- 185 Chubb Airport Crash Tender
- J2 Esso Tanker
- 36-B Joker Mobile/Healer Wheeler
- 98-A Citroën Dyane

(photo: beczl)
The Siku generaly use a multiple spoked white marked wheels with Siku typo. This wheels type was in use generally about 90% of their models. The Hungarian Sikus use the same wheels as the German ones. No any major difference known.
Multiple spoke, white Siku typo, thin R11:
- 1026 Citroën SM 1971
- 308 Audi 100LS 1969
- 1024 Lamborghini 400GT Espada
- V334 Ford Transit 1975
- 1041 Audi 200 5T
- 1030 VW Transporter T2
- 1012 Ferrari Berlinetta

(photo: www.sikumodels.com)
8 spoke, white Siku typo, thin B05:
- V338 Hanomag-Henschel Tow-Truck
- 1034 Maserati Boomerang

(photo: www.sikumodels.com)
5 spoke, double white Siku typo, thin R09:

(photo: www.sikumodels.com)
10 spoke, treaded, white dish profile hub, without Siku typo, thick:

(photo: Breki Finnland)
6 spoke, treaded, white hub, white Siku typo, thick LKW09:

(photo: www.sikumodels.com)
Multiple spoke, dish profile, white Siku typo, thick B04:
- 1054-56 Mercedes Benz 190E 2.3
- 1040 Opel Senator 3.0E
- 1037 Porsche 928

(photo: www.sikumodels.com)
Metchy (Mechy):
The Metchy cars was a direct copy of the Matchbox and Majorette cars as you know. In this case their wheels must be the same as Matchbox and Majorette ones. It's true about the Majorette copies but the Matchbox Porsche had a 6 spoked wheels against the original 5 spoked MB type wheel.
6 spoke, chromed:

(photo: beczl)
4 spoke, treaded, chromed:

(photo: beczl)
The Metalcar do their own way. All of Metalcar model has an own style wheel design that help us to identify these products as well. Only the Hondarora and all Superkings copy use an original style wheels, typres.
4 spoke + 4 small spoke, without chrome or chromed V1:

(photo: beczl)
4 spoke + 4 small spoke, without chrome or chromed V2:

(photo: beczl)
4 spoke + 4 small spoke, without chrome or chromed V3:
- Atlas series
- Batmobile
- F1 Surtees
- Mercedes Benz 190E
- Mercedes Benz 208D
- Weasel
(photo: beczl)
4 spoke "trapezoid" without chrome or chromed:
- Porsche 917/10
- Opel-Kadett 1.3
- Volkswagen Polo

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke "Matchbox style" without chrome or chromed:

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke "Matchbox style" plastic inner hub:

(photo: beczl)
"Look like as original wheels":
- Audi Quattro
- Dodge Delivery Van Ambulance
- Ford Mustang
- Hondarora
- Jeep CJ-7 Renegade
- Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6
Hobby-Cars Modell / Metal-Play-Mobil:
The Metal Play Mobil cars made by the same firm as the Hobby-Cars Modell diecasts. Both firm wheels has a same types as usual. Some wheel types are used to be other companies, as normal at this time. (see introduction)
8 spoke, without chrome:

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke, without chrome:
- Car Transporter
- De Tomaso Pantera
- Fiat X1/9 Torino
- Fire Chief Car
- Freeway Gas Tanker
- Leyland Articulated Tanker
- Mazda RX7
- Mercedes Benz 450SL
- Caravan
- Datsun 126X
- BMW Turbo

(photo: beczl)
3 spoke "trefoil" shape, gold or chromed:
- Caravan
- Chevy Stepside Pickup
- Datsun 126X
- Freeway Gas Tanker
- Leyland Articulated Tanker
- Lotus Super 7 S4
- Mazda RX7
- Mercedes Benz 450SL
- Hot Wheels Police
- Vauxhal Guildsman
- Car Trailer
- Datsun 126X

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke "star type", gold or chromed:
- Chevy Stepside Pickup
- De Tomaso Pantera
- Fire Chief Car
- Hellraiser
- Hot Wheels Police
- Planet Scout
- BMW Turbo

(photo: beczl)
8-div "teardrop shapes" golded:
- Big Foot Chevy Stepside Pickup
photo: (Breki Finnland)
Simple, without spoke and chrome:
- Datsun 126X
- Datsun 126X V2
- Planet Scout
- BMW Turbo
- Lotus Super 7 S4

(photo: beczl)
Without spoke with "Laser wheel":
(photo: beczl)
Other wheel types:
Double circle, treaded, chromed:
Simple "No-Name",
dish profile with 8 hole:

(photo: beczl)
Simple "No-Name",
dish profile with 8-12 hole:

(photo: beczl)
Double circle, treaded, chromed:

(photo: beczl)
5 spoke, double circle, without chrome:

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke, treaded, chromed:
(photo: beczl)
Simple black with inner hub:
- Small scale launchable Burnin' Key Cars copies
(photo: beczl)
White inner hub with pentagram, black tyre:
(photo: beczl)
Simple black thin:
- Torpedo Police launch
- Zylmex copies
- Seasprite copter
(photo: beczl)
Black treaded with plastic inner hub, without chrome or chromed:
- Launchable Burnin' Key Cars copies
(photo: beczl)
Double circle, treaded, dotted, chromed:

(photo: beczl)
All early Metalbox car use a two-piece wheel. The inner hub was made by pot-metal, and the wheel was regular black plastic. Later on the Metalbox changed their wheels to the cheaper and simple "Matchbox stlye" wheels as well.
6 spoke, chromed "star type" (Matchbox style):

(photo: beczl)
6 spoke, treaded, chromed "star type":
- Scania Bus
- Renault Alpine 210
- Datsun 126X
- Dune Buggy

(photo: beczl)
4 spoke, treaded "trapezoid" style metal hub:
- Renault Alpine 210
- Scania Bus

(photo: beczl)
4 spoke, chromed "trefoil":

(photo: beczl)
This post the last bigger post about Hungarian diecast copies. I try to update all of my post and keep it up to date.
I hope you're enjoy these posts and it help everybody to recognise and identify these Hungarian made diecasts - forgotten goods as well.